bash program called producer and a C program called consumer.c
Assignment 3
Write a bash program called producer and a C program called consumer.c. A text-based data file
called storage initially contains an integer number between 5 and 90.
The producer checks the number in the storage. If the current number plus 8 will be 100 or
larger, it will terminate. Otherwise, it will increase the number in the storage by 8 and then call
the consumer to continue.
The consumer decreases the number in the storage by 3, and then calls the producer to continue.
Both the producer and the consumer can be the starter.
The C program must use system call I/O. No standard I/O library functions are allowed. It must
fork a separate process to call the producer to continue.
Sample runs:
/* Description: Subtract 3 from the integer stored in storage, write new number into storage execute bash file "" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> int main(){ FILE *fd; fd = fopen("storage","rw+" ); // Open file allowing read and write char buf[2]; int sub, pid; fscanf(fd, "%s",buf); // reads storage, and store value into buf int num = atoi(buf); // convert to int sub = num - 3; // take value in buf and subtract by 3 printf("from consumer: current total is %d\n",sub); fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); // set file pointer to beginning fprintf(fd,"%d",sub); // write new value into storage pid = fork(); if(pid == 0){ execlp("./", "producer", NULL); // execute } fclose(fd); return 0; }
#!/bin/bash #Description: Add 8 from integer that is stored in storage # write new number into storage, # execute C program "consumer.c" val=$(< storage) #store value in storage into val max=100 # if val is less then max if [ $val -lt $max ] then let num=$val+8 # calculate value + 8 # check to see if $val + 8 > 100 if [ $num -ge $max ] then echo "from producer: Now I will take the rest!" exit # exit the whole program if over 100 fi echo "from producer: current total is $num" echo $num > storage # overwrite storage with new value ./consumer # execute consumer.c # if over value in storage is > 100 end program else echo "from producer: Now I will take the rest!" fi
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