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Introduction to the Internet-lesson 9- manage common security threats

Lesson 9
Learning Outcomes
This lesson will provide you with the opportunity to identify the many ways of gaining Internet access, and how to manage common security threats.
When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain basic security concepts and countermeasures.
Explain how encryption works.
Learn about phishing and digital watermarking.
Understand denial-of-service attacks and how to prevent them.
Recognize and prevent identity theft.
Explore security concerns for users of social networks.
Understand security threats to Web clients and how to prevent them.
Investigate the use of programs that detect and remove malware.
Recognize the potential security issues that arise from electronic tracking devices.
Study how a firewall is used to block communication.
Learn how to secure a Web server.
Textbook Readings
Please keep in mind the preceding intended learning outcomes while reading the assigned chapters from The Internet, 9th Edition, Schneider/Evans, Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

Tutorial 6: Internet Security
Next Step
If you can meet the objectives stated at the beginning of Lesson 9, you are ready to proceed to the next lesson. Keep in mind the weekly schedule recommended in the course syllabus.

Please post to the Discussion area of this course Web site any questions or comments related to this lesson. Only emergency and private messages should be sent through the E-mail Instructor component of the site.
You are to complete Assignment #5 which is due by the end of this lesson.


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