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python program that implements the FIFO LRU and optimal page replacement algorithms

Write a Python program that implements the FIFO, LRU, and optimal page replacement
algorithms. First, generate a
random page-reference string where page numbers range from 0 to 9.
Apply the random page-reference string to each algorithm, and record
the number of page faults incurred by each algorithm. Implement the
replacement algorithms so that the number of page frames can vary from
1 to 7. Assume that demand paging is used.


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Demonstration of simple page replacement algorithms
    python [number of page frames]

#for obtaining command line parameters
import sys

Simple FIFO page replacement algorithm
def FIFO(size, pages):
    SIZE = size
    count = 0
    memory = []
    faults = 0
    fifoIndex = 0
    for page in pages:
        if memory.count(page) == 0 and count < SIZE: # not present, but no replacement is necessary - page fault memory.append(page) count += 1 faults += 1 elif memory.count(page) == 0 and count == SIZE: # memory is full - replace FIFO page - page fault memory[fifoIndex] = page fifoIndex = (fifoIndex + 1) % SIZE faults += 1 elif memory.count(page) > 0:
			# present - do nothing

        #print ' faults =',faults,'inserting',page,'memory = ',memory

    return faults

LRU algorithm
def LRU(size, pages):
    SIZE = size
    count = 0
    memory = []
    faults = 0

    for page in pages:
        if memory.count(page) == 0 and count < SIZE: # not present, but no replacement is necessary - page fault memory.append(page) count += 1 faults += 1 elif memory.count(page) == 0 and count == SIZE: # memory is full - replace LRU page - page fault # page at index 0 is LRU page memory.pop(0) memory.append(page) faults += 1 elif memory.count(page) > 0:
            # page is present - reorder stack

    return faults

Optimal algorithm
This algorithm works by replacing the page that will not be used
for the longest period of time.
def OPT(size,pages): 
    SIZE = size
    count = 0
    memory = []
    faults = 0
    x = 0

    for page in pages:
        if memory.count(page) == 0 and count < SIZE: 
        # not present, but no replacement is necessary - page fault
 memory.append(page) count += 1 faults += 1 elif memory.count(page) == 0 and count == SIZE: 
 # memory is full - replace the page using optimal algorithm 
 # iterate through the existing pages and determine where
 # they will be used again in the future. 
 # Evict the page that will not be used for the longest period of time. future = -1 for i in memory:
 # if this page won't be used again, evict it if pages[x:].count(i) == 0: evictedPage = i break else: index = pages[x:].index(i) if index > future:
                        future = index
                        evictedPage = i

            # evictedPage is the page to evict
            p = memory.index(evictedPage)
            faults += 1
        elif memory.count(page) > 0:
            # page is present - do nothing
        # adjust the index so it now indicates the next page in the string
        x += 1

    return faults

def main():
    pages = (7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1)

    size = int(sys.argv[1])

    print 'FIFO', FIFO(size,pages), 'page faults.'

    print 'LRU', LRU(size,pages), 'page faults.'

    print 'OPT', OPT(size,pages), 'page faults.'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print 'Usage: python [number of pages]'


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