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Tic Tac Toe Game using C++

Tic-Tac-Toe Game
Write a program that allows two players to play  a game of tic-tac-roc. Use a two dimensional
char army with three rows and three columns as the game board. Each
element of the array should be initialized with an asterisk (“). The program should fll n a
loop that

Displays the contents of the board array
Allows player 1 to select a location on the board for an X. The program should
ask the user to enter the row and column number.
Allows player 2 to select a location on the board for an O. The program should
ask the user to enter the row and column number.
Determines whether a p layer has won, or a tic has occurred. If a player has won,
the program should declare that player the winner and end. If a tie has occurred,
the pro~ram should say so and end .

Player 1 wins when there are three XS in a rowan the game board. The XS can appear
in a row, in a column, or diagonally across the board. A tic occurs when all of the
locations on the board are full, but there is no winner.


//  Tic-Tac-Toe Game
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Constants for the rows and columns
const int ROWS = 3;
const int COLS = 3;

// Function prototypes
void displayBoard(char [][COLS]);
void playerTurn(char [][COLS], char);
bool gameOver(char [][COLS]);
bool playerWins(char [][COLS], char);
bool playerCanWin(char [][COLS], char);
void displayWinner(char [][COLS]);

int main()
   // Array for the game board.
   char gameBoard[ROWS][COLS] = { '*', '*', '*',
                                  '*', '*', '*',
                                  '*', '*', '*'
      // Display the game board.
      // Let player 1 have a turn.
      playerTurn(gameBoard, 'X');
      // Display the game board again.
      // If the game is not over, let
      // player 2 have a turn.
      if (!gameOver(gameBoard))
         playerTurn(gameBoard, 'O');
   } while (!gameOver(gameBoard));
   // Display the board one last time.
   // Display the winner.

   return 0;

// The displayBoard function displays the contents of  *
// the board.                                          *

void displayBoard(char board[][COLS])
   // Display the column headings.
   cout << "       Columns\n";
   cout << "        1 2 3\n";
   // Display the rows.
   for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++)
      // Row label.
      cout << "Row " << (row + 1)<< ":  ";
      // Row contents.
      for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++)
         cout << board[row][col] << " ";
      cout << endl;

// The playerTurn function allows a player (X or O) to *
// take a turn.                                        *

void playerTurn(char board[][COLS], char symbol)
   // The isAvailable flag is set to true when the
   // player selects a location on the board that
   // is available.
   bool isAvailable = false;
   int row;  // Row to place symbol
   int col;  // column to place symbol
   // Prompt the player to enter a location.
   cout << "Player " << symbol << "'s turn.\n";
   cout << "Enter a row and column to place an "
        << symbol << ".\n";
   // Get and validate the location.
   while (!isAvailable)
      // Get the row.
      cout << "Row: "; cin >> row;
      // Validate the row.
      while (row < 1 || row > ROWS)
         cout << "Invalid Row!\n";
         cout << "Row: "; cin >> row;
      // Get the column.
      cout << "Column: "; cin >> col;
      // Validate the column.
      while (col < 1 || col > COLS)
         cout << "Invalid Column!\n";
         cout << "Column: "; cin >> col;
      // Determine whether the selected
      // cell is available.
      if (board[row - 1][col - 1] == '*')
         isAvailable = true;
         cout << "That location is not available. "
              << "Select another location.\n";
   // Place the player's symbol on the board
   // at the selected location.
   board[row - 1][col - 1] = symbol;

// The gameOver function returns true if the game    *
// is over. This is the case when either player has  *
// already won, or there is a tie.                   *

bool gameOver(char board[][COLS])
   // If either player has already won, game over.
   if (playerWins(board, 'X') || playerWins(board, 'O'))
      return true;
   // Otherwise, if either player CAN STILL win, game
   // NOT over.
   else if (playerCanWin(board, 'X') || playerCanWin(board, 'O'))
      return false;
   // Otherwise, it's a tie. Game over.
      return true;

// The playerWins function accepts the game board and       *
// a player symbol (X or O) as arguments. It returns        *
// true if the player has won.                              *

bool playerWins(char board[][COLS], char symbol)
   // Check the first horizontal row.
   if (board[0][0] == symbol && board[0][1] == symbol &&
       board[0][2] == symbol)
      return true;

   // Check the second horizontal row.
   if (board[1][0] == symbol && board[1][1] == symbol && 
       board[1][2] == symbol)
      return true;

   // Check the third horizontal row.
   if (board[2][0] == symbol && board[2][1] == symbol && 
       board[2][2] == symbol)
      return true;
   // Check the first column.
   if (board[0][0] == symbol && board[1][0] == symbol && 
       board[2][0] == symbol)
      return true;
   // Check the second column.
   if (board[0][1] == symbol && board[1][1] == symbol && 
       board[2][1] == symbol)
      return true;

   // Check the third column.
   if (board[0][2] == symbol && board[1][2] == symbol && 
       board[2][2] == symbol)
      return true;

   // Check the diagonal
   if (board[0][0] == symbol && board[1][1] == symbol && 
       board[2][2] == symbol)
      return true;
   // If we make it this far, the player did not win.
   return false;

// The playerCanWin function returns true if the      *
// player (X or O) can still win.                     *

bool playerCanWin(char board[][COLS], char symbol)
   // Check the first horizontal row for a possibility.
   if ((board[0][0] == symbol || board[0][0] == '*') && 
       (board[0][1] == symbol || board[0][1] == '*') &&
       (board[0][2] == symbol || board[0][2] == '*'))
      return true;

   // Check the second horizontal row for a possibility.
   if ((board[1][0] == symbol || board[1][0] == '*') && 
       (board[1][1] == symbol || board[1][1] == '*') &&
       (board[1][2] == symbol || board[1][2] == '*'))
      return true;

   // Check the third horizontal row for a possibility.
   if ((board[2][0] == symbol || board[2][0] == '*') && 
       (board[2][1] == symbol || board[2][1] == '*') &&
       (board[2][2] == symbol || board[2][2] == '*'))
      return true;

   // Check the first column for a possibility.
   if ((board[0][0] == symbol || board[0][0] == '*') && 
       (board[1][0] == symbol || board[1][0] == '*') &&
       (board[2][0] == symbol || board[2][0] == '*'))
      return true;

   // Check the second column for a possibility.
   if ((board[0][1] == symbol || board[0][1] == '*') && 
       (board[1][1] == symbol || board[1][1] == '*') &&
       (board[2][1] == symbol || board[2][1] == '*'))
      return true;

   // Check the third column for a possibility.
   if ((board[0][2] == symbol || board[0][2] == '*') && 
       (board[1][2] == symbol || board[1][2] == '*') &&
       (board[2][2] == symbol || board[2][2] == '*'))
      return true;

   // Check the diagonal for a possibility.
   if ((board[0][0] == symbol || board[0][0] == '*') && 
       (board[1][1] == symbol || board[1][1] == '*') &&
       (board[2][2] == symbol || board[2][2] == '*'))
      return true;

   // If we make it this far, the player cannot win.
   return false;

// The displayWinner function displays the winner.    *

void displayWinner(char board[][COLS])
   if (playerWins(board, 'X'))
      cout << "Player 1 (X) WINS!!!!!\n\n";
   else if (playerWins(board, 'O'))
      cout << "Player 2 (O) WINS!!!!!\n\n";
      cout << "Game Over... it's a TIE.\n\n";


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