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Course Grade C++ program that keeps a list of test scores for a group of students

Course Grade
Write a C++ program that uses a structure to store the following data:

Member Name                          Description
Name                                        Student name
Idnum                                       Student lD number
Tests                                         Pointer to an array of test scores
Average                                     Average rest score
Grade                                        Course grade

The program should keep a list of test scores for a group of students. It should ask the
user how many test scores there are to be and how many students there are. It should
then dynamically allocate an array of structures. Each structure’s Tests member
should point to a dynamically allocated array that will hold the test scores.
After the arrays have been dynamically allocated, the program should ask for the ID
number and all the test scores for each student. The average test score should be calculated
and stored in the average member of each structure. The course grade should
be computed on the basis of the following grading scale:

Average Test Grade                           Course Grade
91-100                                                         A
81-90                                                           B
71-80                                                           C
61-70                                                           D
60 or below                                                   F

The course grade should then be stored in the Grade member of each structure. Once
all this data is calculated, a table should he displayed on the screen listing each student’s
name, ID number, average test score, and course grade.
Input Validation : Be sure all the data (or each student is entered. Do not accept negative
numbers (or any test score.


//  Course Grade
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

// Constants for arrays
const int NAME_SIZE = 45;

// Declaration of Student structure
struct Student
   char name[NAME_SIZE]; // Student name
   int idNum;            // Student ID number
   int *tests;           // Pointer to array of test scores
   double average;       // Average test score
   char grade;           // Course grade

// Function prototypes
Student *initArrays(int, int);
void getInfo(Student [], int, int);
void showInfo(Student [], int, int);

int main()
   int numStudents;  // Number of students
   int numTests;     // Number of tests
   Student *list;    // Pointer to Student array

   // Get the number of students.
   cout << "How many students? "; cin >> numStudents;
   // Get the number of tests per student.
   cout << "How many tests per student? "; cin >> numTests;
   // Create an array of Students
   list = initArrays(numStudents, numTests);
   // Populate the array with data.
   getInfo(list, numStudents, numTests);
   // Display the data.
   showInfo(list, numStudents, numTests);
   return 0;

// Function initArrays                             *
// This function dynamically allocates an array    *
// of Student structures and for each element in   *
// the array, allocates an array of ints to hold   *
// tests scors. The parameter s is the number of   *
// element to allocate for the array of structures *
// and the parameter t is the number of elements   *
// allocate for each array of ints.                *

Student *initArrays(int s, int t)
   Student *ptr;

   // Allocate the array of Student structures.
   ptr = new Student[s];

   // Allocate an array of ints (to hold test scores)
   // for each element of the array of Student structures.
   for (int count = 0; count < s; count++)
      ptr[count].tests = new int[t];

   // Return a pointer to the array of structures.
   return ptr;

// Function getInfo                                   *
// This function populates the Student array s with   *
// data entered by the user. The paramater ns is the  *
// number of students and nt is the number of tests.  *

void getInfo(Student s[], int ns, int nt)
   int total;

   // Get the data for each student.
   for (int index = 0; index < ns; index++)
      // Get the name.
      cout << "Student name: ";
      cin.getline(s[index].name, 45);
      while (strlen(s[index].name) == 0)
         cout << "Please enter a name: ";
         cin.getline(s[index].name, 45);

      // Get the ID number.
      cout << "ID Number: "; cin >> s[index].idNum;
      while (s[index].idNum == 0)
         cout << "Please enter an ID number other than 0: "; cin >> s[index].idNum;

      // Get the test scores and accumulate a total.
      total = 0;
      for (int t = 0; t < nt; t++)
         cout << "\tTest # " << (t+1) << ": "; do { cin >> s[index].tests[t];
            if (s[index].tests[t] < 0)
               cout << "Enter 0 or greater.\n";
         } while(s[index].tests[t] < 0);
         total += s[index].tests[t];

      // Calculate the average score.
      s[index].average = static_cast<double>(total) / nt;

      // Assign a letter grade.
      if (s[index].average >= 91)
         s[index].grade = 'A';
      else if (s[index].average >= 81 && s[index].average <= 90) s[index].grade = 'B'; else if (s[index].average >= 71 && s[index].average <= 80) s[index].grade = 'C'; else if (s[index].average >= 61 && s[index].average <= 70)
         s[index].grade = 'D';
         s[index].grade = 'F';

// Function showInfo                                  *
// This function displays all of the data in the      *
// array s. The paramater ns is the number of         *
// students and nt is the number of tests.            *

void showInfo(Student s[], int ns, int nt)
   cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1);
   for (int std = 0; std < ns; std++)
      cout << "Student name: " << s[std].name << endl;
      cout << "ID number: " << s[std].idNum << endl;
      cout << "Average test score: " << s[std].average
           << endl;
      cout << "Grade: " << s[std].grade << endl << endl;


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